







汉语拼音:duī jí








堆集 [duī jí]
  1. 聚集堆高。




  1. Accumulating, conveying, & special designed systems for food, pharmaceutical, and industrial.


  2. A significant reduces in storage pond sediment dump slag to reduce management cost.


  3. This is online map of the address "Huang Dui Ji Xiang Chen Lou Xing Zheng Cun , Yuncheng County, Heze City, Shandong Province, China" .


  4. In this way they have built up an immense body of knowledge, which helps us to understand better ourselves and the world around us.


  5. the drum gears gear gap is too large, or if there was something to clump together between gears.


  6. drum gears gear gap between gears and if there was something to clump together.


  7. When night fell, bright when the station bridge. See the high and low, layers, patchwork of high-rise buildings located Riverbanks.


  8. Separation and Determination of Trace Cations from Snow Sample by Capillary Electrophoresis With Sample Stacking Mode


  9. Standard Test Method for Mechanically Tapped Packing Density of Formed Catalyst and Catalyst Carriers


  1. 三角形堆集

    crib stacking.

  2. 立方密堆集

    cubic closest packing.

  3. 噬菌体拥挤堆集

    bacteriophage packing

  4. 河床堆集物

    river bed deposit.

  5. 弹药堆集处

    An ammunition dump.

  6. 甘蔗堆集附加装置

    cane piling attachment

  7. 机械设备堆集场地

    machinery and equipment yard

  8. 立方密堆集结构

    cubic closedpacked structure

  9. 他的案头堆集着画轴。

    Scrolls of painting are piled up on his desk.

  10. 园丁开始把落叶堆集起来。

    The gardener began to heap up the fallen leaves.

  11. 看天边那些乌云正在堆集,就要下雨了。

    It will rain soon, look at those black clouds banking on the horizon.

  12. 看天边那些乌云正在堆集,就要下雨了。

    It will rain soon, look at those black clouds banking on the horizon.

  13. 把地板上得泥堆集在一起, 别踩在上面。

    Scrape the mud on the floor together in order not to tread on it.

  14. 把地板上的泥堆集在一起,别踩在上面。

    Scrape the mud on the floor together in order not to tread on it.

  15. 在那低洼的草地上, 干草堆集如山。

    On the low meadow there are mountains of hay.

  16. 大量减少储水池沉淀堆集渣物、减少管理成本。

    A significant reduces in storage pond sediment dump slag to reduce management cost.

  17. 中膜平滑肌细胞增生堆集并凸入管腔。

    smooth muscle cells in the tunica media degenerated, proliferated and protruded to the lumen.

  18. 我们游移未定,碌碌无为就能储蓄堆集气力吗?

    Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction

  19. 国庆节的时候, 大概有几万人堆集在广场上。

    On the National Day holiday, thousands of people gather in the Square.

  20. 国庆节的时候,大概有几万人堆集在广场上。

    On the National Day holiday, thousands of people gather in the Square.

  21. 这位饥肠辘辘的汉子把食物堆集在自己的盘子里。

    The hungry man heaped up the food on his plate.

  22. 这位饥肠辘辘得汉子把食物堆集在自己得盘子里。

    The hungry man heaped up the food on his plate.

  23. 滚筒齿轮磨损,齿轮间隙过大或是齿轮间有异物堆集。

    the drum gears gear gap is too large, or if there was something to clump together between gears.

  24. 柳树枝堆集成山。农夫开动机器把柳枝铰碎。

    Willow branches were piled up high as mountains. NongFu shredded the debris.

  25. 我财富堆集的速率很是快,并且我也再也不华侈财帛。

    My wealth accumulated at avery rapid rate. I was no longer wasting money.

  26. 可能有一点,但我觉得承担责任前需要堆集更多经验。

    Maybe a little, but I know I need more experience before I'm ready for that kind of responsibility.

  27. 但整体工业增添速度已经加快, 而且企业堆集了大量的现金。

    But integral industry increases rate already rein in, and the enterprise gathered much ready money.


  1. 问:堆集拼音怎么拼?堆集的读音是什么?堆集翻译成英文是什么?

    答:堆集的读音是duījí,堆集翻译成英文是 To accumulate in great numbers.

  2. 问:堆集的拼音怎么拼?堆集的的读音是什么?堆集的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:堆集的的读音是duī jí de,堆集的翻译成英文是 congested, congestus

  3. 问:堆集荷载拼音怎么拼?堆集荷载的读音是什么?堆集荷载翻译成英文是什么?

    答:堆集荷载的读音是duī jí hè zǎi,堆集荷载翻译成英文是 heap load

  4. 问:堆集噬虫霉拼音怎么拼?堆集噬虫霉的读音是什么?堆集噬虫霉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:堆集噬虫霉的读音是duījíshìchóngméi,堆集噬虫霉翻译成英文是 Entomophaga conglomerata