







汉语拼音:jìn jiù






  1. 犹亲近。

    《史记·张仪列传》:“﹝ 苏秦 ﹞乃言 赵王 ,发金币车马,使人微随 张仪 ,与同宿舍,稍稍近就之,奉以车马金钱,所欲用,为取给,而弗告。”《汉书·傅介子传》:“ 介子 过 龟兹 时,其王近就人,易得也。愿往刺之,以威示诸国。” 颜师古 注:“附近而亲就,言不相猜阻也。”



  1. I don't know at the time, I hear the train whistle sounds, far and near, like the music of the birds, marked forest distance.


  2. They found the closer you were the more likely you were to see the smile.


  3. It seems that close to me, on the side yard to a grid, but I always find it.


  4. There seems to be a rule in nature that if you get too close to where you came from, it gets ugly.


  5. I missed every second we had before. It seemed to be so close, just in front of me, but I knew, it would be never the same.


  6. This big pissed off God and he is right up in your face and he is screaming at you, and he is so close.


  7. Before she knew it, she was cooing the dog, standing as close to him as she would have been if "he were a family member or a boyfriend. "


  8. It's a new little place near the boardwalk, right around the corner from that little antique shop.


  9. I'll let you discover that your potential is virtually unlimited, and that your greatest resources are close to you, in your hands.


  1. 就差这么近就完成实验程序了。

    I was this close to perfecting the procedure.

  2. 这不重要, 只要离学校近就行。

    It doesn't matter as long as it is close to the university.

  3. 距离够近,就善用手肘!

    If you are close enough to use it, do!

  4. 是啊,到了近现代就是白话文了。

    Yes, till modern history, modern vernacular Chinese is popular.

  5. 想要拉近距离就使用冰霜震击。

    Use a Frost Shock to close the distance if necessary.

  6. 近旁就耸立着草木郁葱的喀尔巴阡山脉。

    The Carpathian mountains rise nearby, green, forested, lush.

  7. 他们发现, 离这幅画越近, 就越容易看到微笑。

    They found the closer you were the more likely you were to see the smile.

  8. 谁跑得最快离出发点越近谁就可以获得最高分。

    Whoever goes fastest or comes cloest gets the most points.

  9. 手肘是身体最有力的部位。距离够近, 就善用手肘!

    The elbow is the strongest point on your body. If you are close enough to use it, do!

  10. 要是地球离太阳近一些就好了, 冬天就不会这么冷。

    If only the earth were closer to the sun, winter wouldn't be so cold.

  11. 空气枪子弹通常不会贯穿皮肤, 但若是近距离就可以。

    Airgun pellets don't usually penetrate skin but can do so at close range.

  12. 只是你离我的心越近我就觉得把简推得越远,还有。

    It's just the more I let you into my heart, the more I feel I'm pushing Jane out, and.

  13. 离边侧太近你就必须高举胳膊,从而绷紧肩膀和脖子。

    Running too close to the sides can cause your arms to rise, which will cause stress on your shoulders and neck.

  14. 有时候觉得你离得很近, 就在手边, 弯一下手臂就能拥你入怀。

    Sometimes you feel that from the very recent, on the hand, bending the arm Yong you will be able to Wye.

  15. 这里的墨西哥食物很好吃,价格也好弄公道。如果离我的家更近一些就好了!

    Great Mexican food that’s reasonably priced. If only it were closer to my place.

  16. 谁走到我近旁我就杀谁。

    Everyone who comes near me dies.

  17. 我们一走近,蛇就爬走了。

    The snake slithered away as we approached.

  18. 你投得近, 你就得到艾希丽。

    You land closer, you get ashley.

  19. 冷风在近几天之内就会过去。

    The cold wind will pass away within a few days.

  20. 离销售季节越近, 我们就越好预测。

    The nearer the season draws, the better we can predict.

  21. 她离他更近了, 就挨在他身边。

    She had moved closer to him again, right against his side.

  22. 史密斯先生近一两天就会回来。

    Mr. Smith will be back in a day or so.

  23. 寒冷的天气在近几天之内就会过去。

    The cold weather will pass away within a few days.

  24. 她住得很近, 高兴就随时来看望我们。

    She lived close by and was used to running in whenever she liked.

  25. 演出开始时很差劲, 但近结尾处就好多了。

    The performance started badly but picked up towards the end.

  26. 我家离我工作的大学很近走过去就行了。

    My house is within walking distance of my university.

  27. 我家离我工作得大学很近走过去就行了。

    My house is within walking distance of my university.

  28. 他们越放肆,结局就越近。

    They are the more insolent, and it is the nearer ended.

  29. 看见没?我的手离这根天线越近,音调就越高。

    See, the closer I get to this antenna, the higher the note gets.

  30. 如果你想和别人靠得更近, 你就必须冒这个险。

    If you want to get close to someone, you have to take that risk.