







汉语拼音:xīn téng









  1. 病名。又称“九种心疼”。泛指上腹脘部和前胸部的疼痛。


  2. 怜惜;疼爱。

    《儿女英雄传》第十二回:“ 安老爷 平日虽是方正严厉,见这等娇生惯养一个儿子,为了自己,远路跋涉而来,已是老大的心疼。” 老舍 《柳家大院》:“最爱打孩子的爸爸也裂着大嘴哭,自己的孩子哪有不心疼的?” 曹禺 《原野》序幕:“那么,你心疼我不心疼我?”

  3. 吝惜,舍不得。

    《警世通言·桂员外途穷忏悔》:“ 施鑑 是个本分财主,惜粪如金的,见儿子挥金不吝,未免心疼。”《红楼梦》第八六回:“必须衙门再使费几次,便可回家了,只是别心疼银子。” 巴金 《关于<激流>》:“毁掉它们,我感到心疼,仿佛毁掉我的过去。”



  1. Adele : It shall break my heart. Could you draw me a picture of him? So, I'll always have him with me.


  2. Without the sense of security, she expresses her tension and misery through her fearful eyes and frowning eyebrows.


  3. The Man felt distressed and decided to help the butterfly: He took a pair of scissors and cleft the cocoon carefully.


  4. Sometimes you feel bad, he took out a hundred dollar bill and handed him, and said, you are friends face in front of full charge.


  5. It felt that he was saying good-bye to me. With his lonely figure sealed in my mind, my heart was almost broken.


  6. As a woman looking at Madam Chu's situation, I sympathize her even though I do not know her personally.


  7. I have some amazing memories from Silverstone over the years and it feels really sad that this might be the last time that we race there.


  8. Back in 2009, in the heart of his child, love him heartache, desperate to rush forward desperate revolt.


  9. However, many patients are distressed by the recurrent nature of the infections and perceived serious complications.


  1. 我很心疼你。

    My heart aches for you.

  2. 我也为你心疼。

    My heart pain for ya.

  3. 这是我的心疼。

    This is my love dearly.

  4. 这是你的心疼。

    This is your heart hurts.

  5. 我为儿子感到心疼。

    I felt love for my son.

  6. 你知道我一向心疼马。

    You know how I always feel for the horses!

  7. 我知道那样多么的心疼。

    I know how painful that can be.

  8. 卖了它我也很心疼。

    And it pains me to sell it.

  9. 这样惯孩子不是心疼他。

    Pampering a child like this is not loving him.

  10. 麦琪这么贵你不心疼吗?

    Maggie You didnt wince at the price.

  11. 那种想你到心疼时候。

    That kind thought you to love dearly the time.

  12. 这么浪费,叫人看了心疼。

    It makes one's heart ache to see such waste.

  13. 所以你老公也许也是心疼你呢?

    So you may also be distressed husband you?

  14. 看到儿子受罪, 母亲真是心疼。

    It really pained the mother to see her son suffering.

  15. 在你们姐妹中,我最心疼你。

    Of all your sisters, I love you best.

  16. 这样浪费,真叫人看了心疼。

    It makes one's heart ache to see such waste.

  17. 让你遭受这些,我心疼死了。

    It kills me that I'm putting you through this.

  18. 我要是不心疼她,我就是个恶棍。

    If I do not take pity on her, I am a villain.

  19. 总理啊!总理,你太累了,人民心疼你。

    Premier! Premier, are so tired, people care about you.

  20. 小狗突然暴死, 我们都很心疼。

    The little dog died without any warning, breaking our hearts.

  21. 小狗突然暴死,我们都很心疼。

    The little dog died without any warning, breaking our hearts.

  22. 做情人的时候, 女人让男人心疼

    When you are his sweetie, you make his heart ache.

  23. 我为何哭?因为我心疼我们的总理!

    Why do I cry? Because I love my Premiers!

  24. 心疼,还是发自心地的牵挂痛苦。

    Heart ache, nevertheless, was care and pain from the bottom of our hearts.

  25. 因为无论怎样的心疼都会成笑话。

    How because regardless of loves dearly the metropolis becomes the joke.

  26. 让你独自承受这一切,我很心疼。

    It kills me that I'm putting you through this.

  27. 生意虽然好,他却越卖越心疼了。

    Although business was good, the more he sold the worse he felt.

  28. 我非常心疼他, 还心疼那些可怜的马。

    I was quite in an agony about him and then the poor horses too!

  29. 是看见正雨哭就会心疼得人!

    We are the persons who will be distressed to see Zungwoo cry!

  30. 是看见正雨哭就会心疼的人!

    We are the persons who will be distressed to see Zungwoo cry!


  1. 问:心疼拼音怎么拼?心疼的读音是什么?心疼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心疼的读音是xīnténg,心疼翻译成英文是 love with all one's heart; heartache



1.[love dearly]∶十分爱惜 珍惜 2.[feel sorry; be distressed]∶因喜爱的东西或人受到损害而感到痛苦或难受