







汉语拼音:còu jìn








  1. 亦作“凑近”。靠近。

    夏丏尊 叶圣陶 《文心》二三:“随后 大文 也来了,凑近她坐下。” 瞿秋白 《饿乡纪程》九:“席中有许多 俄国 女郎,靠我坐的身上香气浓郁,都凑近来问 中国 、 北京 、 上海 的风俗人情,絮絮不已。” 老舍 《四世同堂》五:“什么时候 日本 人问到我的头上来:‘那个杀我们的是你的儿子?’我就胸口凑近他们的枪刺,说:‘一点也不错!’”



  1. The man leaned into his wife, and said: 'I found a name of the death list. '


  2. "Quickly, then, child! " said the minister, bending his ear close to her lips. "Quickly! - and as low as thou canst whisper. "


  3. As I lowered my voice further and spoke close to his ear, the blind man leaned his head eagerly toward me .


  4. The bear came up and sniffed at the man's head. It put its nose close to his mouth and ears.


  5. Once she had paid, she leaned close to me and said, very politely, "I'm so so sorry that I mistook you for a girl at first, young man. "


  6. To see that, look very closely at the bottom edge of the stripe in the next photo, about an inch to the left of center.


  7. The slow delivery wire, please do not conductive A close mouth to see whether the wire out.


  8. The two assistants then drop the small sheet cloth and listen to the wall to see if David is all right.


  9. I said to a few of the ladies around me as we took turns stuffing our noses into the Ziploc bags.


  1. 凑近点儿。

    Move closer, please.

  2. 凯西凑近他。

    Kathy is near him.

  3. 把火焰凑近气压表

    Hold out the little flame towards to the barometer

  4. 她把脸凑近了他。

    She pushed her face towards him.

  5. 他将嘴唇凑近玻璃杯。

    He set his lips to the glass.

  6. 朱迪把脸凑近笔记本。

    Judy bent her face low over the notebook.

  7. 猫悄悄地向老鼠凑近。

    The cat crept silently towards the mouse.

  8. 可能你要凑近点看看才行。

    Maybe you just need to take a closer look at them.

  9. 他凑近了,仔细观察那朵花。

    He got closer, and watched the flower carefully.

  10. 他凑近了,仔细观察那朵花。

    He got closer, and watched the flower carefully.

  11. 让嘴凑近酒器, 不要后退。

    Lips to the vessels, never shrink.

  12. 凑近看时,它们总是显得小一些。

    They always look smaller close up.

  13. 金先生拿起一条, 凑近鼻子闻一闻。

    Mr King held one fish up to his nose and smelt it.

  14. 许多真正的旅客的丧家之犬凑近他, 羞辱他。

    Many bona fide travellers and ownerless dogs come near him and defile him.

  15. 把这个瓶子凑近鼻子, 闻闻里头得东西。

    Put this bottle to your nose and have a smell of what's inside it.

  16. 牧师说着, 弯腰把耳朵凑近她的嘴唇。

    Said the minister, bending his ear close to her lips.

  17. 于是我跟在他后面, 然后凑近到他身边。

    So I walked around and came up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder.

  18. 她凑近观察后, 竟发现努比还活着。

    At closer observation she discovered he was still alive.

  19. 我凑近过去, 明白是出了什么麻烦事儿。

    I got close enough to see what the trouble was.

  20. 那位官员拧开了瓶盖,把瓶子凑近鼻孔。

    The Officer unscrewed the cap and put the bottle to his nostrils.

  21. 让我们凑近了看, 办公室的外观是个圆环。

    So let's take a close look at it. It's a circle.

  22. 待我进一步压低声音, 凑近他的耳朵说话时。

    As I lowered my voice further and spoke close to his ear.

  23. 她停下来, 把耳朵凑近, 去听门后面的谈话。

    She stopped and inclined her ear to listen to the conversation behind the door.

  24. 她停下来,把耳朵凑近,去听门后面的谈话。

    She stopped and inclined her ear to listen to the conversation behind the door.

  25. 金凑近玛莉的耳朵, 低声说出她的天大秘密。

    Kim whispered her terrible secret into Marie's ear.

  26. 而现在如果我告诉人们我的职业,他们会想凑近我

    And now when I tell people what I do, they move toward me.

  27. 你把目镜凑近些, 物体就会变得特别清晰。

    Draw the eyepiece towards you and the object will come into sharp focus

  28. 他跳上抽斗柜,把眼睛凑近那窟窿,望着隔壁。

    He climbed upon the commode, put his eye to the crevice, and looked.

  29. 让你的鼻子凑近她挺立的乳头, 然后开始吸入她的香气。

    Bring your nose close to her erect nipple and start to inhale her scent.

  30. 我忍不住凑近亲了亲她, 它发出淡淡的, 甜甜的香味。

    I can not help but closer kissed her, it issued a faint, sweet smell.


  1. 问:凑近拼音怎么拼?凑近的读音是什么?凑近翻译成英文是什么?

    答:凑近的读音是còujìn,凑近翻译成英文是 To be near.



còu jìn ㄘㄡˋ ㄐㄧㄣˋ凑近