


1. 查 [chá]2. 查 [zhā]查 [chá]考察:检~。调~。~验。~访。~阅。古同“槎”,水中浮木。查 [zhā]姓。同“楂”。古同“渣”,渣滓。……





汉语拼音:zhā xià






  1. Clerk: Please wait a minute. Let me check. . . Excuse me, but I can't seem to find your name on our list.


  2. Five well-being of the next Internet search you speak, I feel pretty good. And very miscellaneous school.


  3. Press up and down or modify the search can be set to 0 to 9, press Set button to confirm the completion and the next one is set.


  4. Well, it still hasn't reached its destination. I wonder if you could track it down for us. Mr. Reynolds is a bit concerned.


  5. Can you look up the time of the next train to Beijing?


  6. Cuban worries about his Google stocks and runs to the Internet section of the cafe to check his stocks, a man walks in with two black eyes.


  7. there rooms ? I'll check our vacancies for that ? Are available for day. tomorrow evening?


  8. Also look up a word if only one word or a few words are preventing you from understanding the larger meaning.


  9. If you are unsure as to what to put together, why not check out Salads Abound, which is to be released by Food4Health.


  1. 我想查下我的星座。

    I want to check my horoscope.

  2. 不, 恐怕我要查下这个单词。

    No, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to challenge that.

  3. 我们准备查下你的犯罪现场证明。

    We're gonna have to check your alibi.

  4. 你查一查下一班火车的时间好吗?

    Can you look up the time of the next train?

  5. 让我再查下手机看看他有没有。

    Let me just check my phone one more time to see if he.

  6. 您能帮我查下我的卡到了吗?

    Could you help me to check if my card came here?

  7. 我必须查一查下一班公共汽车什麽时候开。

    I must find when the next bus starts.

  8. 我会查下他的保险额,然后给他钥匙。

    I verify his insurance coverage and give him the keys.

  9. 你能查一查下一趟去北京的火车时间吗?

    Can you look up the time of the next train to Beijing?

  10. 我想查下字典看看这个字的简体如何写。

    I am going to look up the simplified form of this word in the dictionary.

  11. 我想查下字典看看这个字的简体如何写。

    I am going to look up the simplified form of this word in the dictionary.

  12. 请帮我查下明天下午什么时候开始上课。

    Please help me find out when the lesson will begin tomorrow afternoon.

  13. 能否帮忙查一查下一趟去上海得火车什么时间开?

    Would you please look up the time of the next train to Shanghai?

  14. 能否帮忙查一查下一趟去上海的火车什么时间开?

    Would you please look up the time of the next train to Shanghai?

  15. 这条短语可在哪个单词下查到?

    What word does this phrase come under?

  16. 这条片语可在哪个单字下查到

    What word does this phrase come under

  17. 你查了下资料嘛

    You looked it up.

  18. 他马上去查了下字典。

    He consulted the dictionary immediately.

  19. 可我又查了下当天早些时候。

    But I checked earlier in the day.

  20. 在火车时刻表上查一下下一趟火车的时间。

    Look up the time of the next train in the timetable.

  21. 可是我在网上查了下,都是那些写贴,发广告之类的。

    But I check in online the next, all those who write post, or advertising.

  22. 随手查了下他的履历,生于大富之家,与文莱苏丹是世交。

    Pick a search under his curriculum vitae, was born in rich homes, and the Sultan of Brunei is Shijiao.

  23. 内蒙古查干凹陷下白垩统层序地层格架与沉积体系分布

    Sequence Stratigraphic Framework and Sedimentary Facies Distribution of the Lower Cretaceous in Chagan Depression, Inner Mongolia

  24. 您要我在别的标题下再查一次吗?

    Would you like me to check again under a different heading?

  25. 想想在几秒钟之内即可查寻得知下一趟公共汽车何时到达、天气预报和今晚的电视节目或电影放映等信息,它将会是多么的有用埃

    Consider how useful it might be to check in a few seconds when the next bus is coming, the weather forecast and what is on TV or at the movies tonight.

  26. 让我来查下康德先生的日程表。

    Let me check Mr. Kant schedule.

  27. 让我们能查清楚他的下一个目标吗?

    So that we could pinpoint where he might hit next?

  28. 领导要经常下到基层去查岗,掌握生产情况。

    Leaders should regularly go to the base of production to check the working condition so as to have an idea of the production progress.

  29. 呃, 我要查下文件。

    Uh, I'll have to check my files.

  30. 呃,我要查下文件。

    Uh, I'll have to check my files.