


1. 这 [zhè]2. 这 [zhèi]这 [zhè]代词,此,指较近的时间、地点或事物,与“那”相对:~里。~些。~个。~样。这时候,指说话的同时:他~就来。这 [zhèi]“这(zhè)一”二字的合音,但指数量时不限于一:~个。~点儿……


1. 咱 [zán]2. 咱 [zá]咱 [zán]我:~不懂他的话。总称己方(我或我们)和对方(你或你们):~们。~俩。~一起去看戏。咱 [zá]〔~家〕我,自称之辞。……



汉语拼音:zhè zán






  1. 犹言这个时候。

    《金瓶梅词话》第六回:“久等多时了,阴阳也来了半日。 老九 如何这咱纔来?” 梁斌 《播火记》二五:“原先种着两顷多地,这咱只剩下四五十亩地了。”



  1. The commercial value of the tape is undoubtedly tremendous with huge profits resulting from the sales.


  2. He soon finds himself alone, miserable and embittered.


  3. That system was definitely useless. As the senior students, who will care about the school regulations?


  4. This is an extremely rare occurrence, which is why a second incident is cause for major concern.


  5. it produced in them the same effects that wine has upon us.


  6. Her masterpiece is this little humming-bird, and upon it she has heaped all the gifts which the other birds may only share.


  1. 这咱革命精神依然存在。

    The spirit of revolution still lives.

  2. 这咱剃须刀可以充电供旅行中使用。

    The shaver can be charged up and used when traveling.

  3. 这咱表达法已经过时, 现在没人用了。

    That expression has gone out. Nobody uses it today.

  4. 恐怕我不知道在这咱天气出航是否安全。

    I am afraid, I have no idea whether it is safe to sail in this weather.

  5. 这咱人很快就会发现自己感到孤独、痛苦和难过。

    He soon finds himself alone, miserable and embittered.

  6. 人家都挂镰了, 咱这还有这么多没割。

    They have already finished their work, but we still have so much left.

  7. 人家都挂镰了,咱这还有这么多没割。

    They have already finished their work, but we still have so much left.

  8. 这是咱私底下说说。

    This is between you and me.

  9. 这星期咱就让他们看我们洗澡。

    The next week, we let them watch us shower.

  10. 你的领子太矮,咱这行全得弄高领子,绸子手绢,人家认这个

    Your gown should have a high collar and wheres your chiffon handkerchief You dont even look like a hostess.

  11. 这可是咱压仓得货, 你也要拿出去卖吗

    This is our ballast. Do you want to sell even this?

  12. 这可是咱压仓的货,你也要拿出去卖吗

    This is our ballast. Do you want to sell even this?

  13. 这可是咱压仓的货,你也要拿出去卖吗?

    This is our ballast. Do you want to sell even this?

  14. 这不是咱的

    Uh, we didn't.

  15. 这是多咱的事?

    When did that happen?

  16. 这会帮助咱了解你们的重点。

    It will help me understand the point you are trying to make.

  17. 这会帮助咱了解你们得重点。

    It will help me understand the point you are trying to make.

  18. 那就看看这回给咱留得什么。

    So let's find out what he left for us this time.

  19. 这是一咱隐痛。我不知道是什么引起得。

    It's dull sort of pain, and I do not know what causes it.

  20. 这是一咱隐痛。我不知道是什么引起的。

    It's dull sort of pain, and I do not know what causes it.

  21. 这张存折可是咱家得包袱底儿!

    You are not allowed to draw on this savings account.

  22. 这张存折可是咱家的包袱底儿!

    You are not allowed to draw on this savings account.

  23. 这张存折可是咱家的包袱底儿!

    You are not allowed to draw on this savings account.

  24. 咱告诉大家这官司打不得呀!

    I can tell you nobody should try any lawsuit.

  25. 这三怪就是咱今儿个要说的爆肚冯金生隆家的羊四样。

    Here we are talking about the third odd.That is sheeps four stomach from Baodu Hongs Jinshenglong.And Baodu is sauteed sheeps tripe.

  26. 咱明白,这单位基本请况很好,咱不需要重新装修。

    I understand. The flat is in good condition and I dont have to redecorate it later.

  27. 我真的觉得对咱两来说这是一次命运攸关的旅行。

    I really think this is a fateful trip for both of us.

  28. 咱要走了。这家伙有神经病,咱可不要疯子教咱念书。

    I'm going away. He's off his chump, he is. I don't want no balmies teaching me.

  29. 好的,咱不提上床这码子事。

    Good, sex should be the last thing on your mind.

  30. 可是咱的庄子小, 这一次参军的就有七个。

    But our village is small and seven fellows are joining the army this time.


