







汉语拼音:jiè shí







  1. 到时候。

    唐 骆宾王 《上瑕丘韦明府启》:“属以蛬秋应节,雁序届时。” 清 吴下阿蒙 《断袖篇·琴书》:“某日请无他适,以待我,此一刻千金时也。届时果至。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致姚克》:“届时务希与令弟一同惠临为幸。”



  1. though this is the sort of thing that will work itself out over the next decade as more un. . . tumors data become available.


  2. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao will be on a trade-focused charm offensive when he touches down in New Delhi Wednesday for a two-day visit.


  3. no matter how much misunderstanding and pain had passed between you by then.


  4. Our traveller, Mr. J. , Will be in London shortly, when he will submit you some of our newest goods.


  5. Given is due to be examined in London by a specialist on Wednesday, when he will discover if he needs another operation.


  6. It would then be up to Germany to decide whether to leave, perhaps with Austria, the Netherlands and Finland.


  7. I expect that the projects will evolve as you and I use them, and I'll report back on the changes here.


  8. By then, the police were treating him like a celebrity, high-fiving him on his release.


  9. She said that the two countries wanted to present a plan to Obama and Medvedev before they meet at the G20 summit in London on 2 April.


  1. 届时敬请光临。

    Your presence is cordially requested for the occasion.

  2. 届时亦将出席。

    Will also be present at the ceremony.

  3. 届时请您光临。

    When the time comes, do come and have a look around.

  4. 届时天地都将震撼。

    Quando coeli movendi sunt et terra.

  5. 届时务请出席。

    Your presence is requested for the occasion.

  6. 届时请再浏览本页面。

    Please visit this webpage again then.

  7. 诚请你届时光临指导。

    You are cordially invited to attend the opening and the lecture.

  8. 届时数字时代就要到来了。

    And digital age will have arrived.

  9. 群众大会上午9点届时召开。

    The time appointed for the mass meeting was 9 a.m.

  10. 上帝届时会让你明白的

    The Lord will show you in His own good time.

  11. 届时你的处境会更糟糕。

    And then you are in a much worse position.

  12. 届时基本结构将渐趋完整。

    Then the structure will be complete.

  13. 我们希望体育场届时能爆满。

    We hope the stadium will be packed.

  14. 届时想想 另外两个小的变化。

    Imagine then just two other little changes.

  15. 届时公司广播将宣告默哀开始。

    The companys broadcast will announce the silence at that time.

  16. 我们届时会作出必要的修改。

    We will then make the necessary corrections.

  17. 届时穿睡衣上街者将被罚款。

    Wearing pyjamas when the streets will be fine.

  18. 届时光临的每位朋友,每位收费25元。

    It just costs 25 Yen for each person.

  19. 届时将不会有礼物, 也不会有大吃大喝。

    There would be no presents and no feasting.

  20. 届时各住户之电力将暂停供应。

    This will affect electricity power supply to all residential units.

  21. 届时请投标人代表出席开标仪式。

    We sincerely invite the bidders to attend the bid opening.

  22. 他透露,届时中央电视台将进行直播。

    He disclosed at the appointed time CCTV will carry on the direct seeding.

  23. 届时唯一的选择将是灾难性的违约。

    The only option would be a catastrophic default.

  24. 非常谢谢你,届时我会恭候大驾的。

    Thank you very much.I'll be expecting you, then.

  25. 非常谢谢你,届时我会恭候大驾得。

    Thank you very much. I'll be expecting you, then.

  26. 届时, 将大大减少和消除软条款现象。

    By then, will significantly reduce and eliminate the phenomenon of soft terms.

  27. 届时, 到从化品尝荔枝的客人络绎不绝。

    By then, to taste litchi Conghua steady stream of guests.

  28. 大桥下月竣工, 届时将举行通车典礼。

    There will be first crossing ceremony next month when the bridge is completed.

  29. 届时会有一个老人在赛场中心外面。

    There will be an odd man out at center.

  30. 届时他会就改宪事宜寻求公民投票。

    He would then seek a referendum on the changes.


  1. 问:届时拼音怎么拼?届时的读音是什么?届时翻译成英文是什么?

    答:届时的读音是jièshí,届时翻译成英文是 then; at that time

  2. 问:届时付款拼音怎么拼?届时付款的读音是什么?届时付款翻译成英文是什么?

    答:届时付款的读音是jiè shífù kuǎn,届时付款翻译成英文是 payment in due course



届时 jièshí [at the appointed time] 到时候、那时候。 还没有发生的某项活动或某项事件,在那中间的时间,通常预见性会说那个时候,或者届时会怎么样。 即到预定的时候,或指定的时间、日期。 到时会有重要人物出现,说得好听些就是:届时有大人物出现,这样读起来会顺口些。 例:敬请届时光临\届时参加活动。 望相互转告,欢迎大家届时观看。 大部分用于书面表达,口头表达较少使用。