


1. 这 [zhè]2. 这 [zhèi]这 [zhè]代词,此,指较近的时间、地点或事物,与“那”相对:~里。~些。~个。~样。这时候,指说话的同时:他~就来。这 [zhèi]“这(zhè)一”二字的合音,但指数量时不限于一:~个。~点儿……





汉语拼音:zhè bì






  1. 见“ 这壁厢 ”。



  1. It's lonely. Ask Herakles. Ask any of them. Fate is cruel.


  1. 没有,看看这壁橱多宽敞!

    Nope. Look at this closet space!

  2. 没有,看看这壁橱多宽敞!

    Nope. Look at this closet space!

  3. 问问赫拉克勒斯, 问这壁上的每一个人, 宿命是冷酷的。

    It's lonely. Ask Herakles Ask any of them. Fate is cruel.

  4. 问问赫拉克勒斯,问这壁上得每一个人,宿命是冷酷得。

    It's lonely. Ask Herakles Ask any of them. Fate is cruel.

  5. 刚才我光顾着看这幅壁画儿呢。

    Just now I paid attention only to this mural.

  6. 这幅壁画法是这个画家典型的早期风格。

    This fresco is typical of the painter's early manner.

  7. 这是一幅壁画法的杰作。

    This is a masterpiece in fresco.

  8. 这一整幅壁画儿都是您画的吗?

    Was this whole painting painted by you?

  9. 它被一堵平滑的圆壁环绕,这圆壁就是回音壁。

    It is surrounded by a smooth circular wall, the Echo Wall, that can transmit sounds over large distances.

  10. 在我们这方面, 确实是铜墙铁壁。

    Ours is truly a bastion of iron.

  11. 这是山西大同的九龙壁。

    This is the Nine Dragon Screen of Datong, Shanxi.

  12. 这条船得侧面碰撞了港口岸壁。

    The ship hit the harbour wall broadside on.

  13. 这条船的侧面碰撞了港口岸壁。

    The ship hit the harbour wall broadside on.

  14. 这是一个桌面管理站, 能管理壁纸件。

    Desktop manager manages wallpaper events.

  15. 他面壁三年,终于完成了这部长篇小说。

    He studied with undivided attention for three years, and finally finished this long novel.

  16. 他面壁三年,终于完成了这部长篇小说。

    He studied with undivided attention for three years, and finally finished this long novel.

  17. 这类杯通常矮而敞口, 直壁或杯壁稍倾。

    These glasses are usually short and broad glasses, with straight or slightly sloping sides.

  18. 当针尖受到组织的反作用力,这机构会向外撑向内壁。

    When the tip of the device is pressed against tissue, the mechanism expands outwards, and wedges in place against the wall.

  19. 这头一层由纤维素和非纤维物质构成,被称作初生壁。

    This initial layer, formed of both cellulosic and noncellulosic materials, is called the primary wall.

  20. 这绝壁悬于溪流之上。

    The cliff overhangs the stream.

  21. 看见这峭立高耸的崖壁,

    Do I behold these steep and lofty cliffs

  22. 看见这峭立高耸得崖壁,

    Do I behold these steep and lofty cliffs

  23. 同志们, 这果然是铜墙铁壁吗?

    Comrades! Are they really iron bastions ?

  24. 这是长壁开采的开始。

    This is the beginning of longwall mining.

  25. 知道这是什么吧,壁橱吗?

    You know what this is? Uh, a closet?

  26. 攀登这峭壁是很危险的。

    The ascent of the ridge was very awkward.

  27. 你看这岩壁从下到上。

    Look at the rock face from down up.

  28. 没有什么壁球在这一段。

    There's no squash and stretch in that.

  29. 谁能拯救这荒凉死寂的戈壁?

    Who can save the desolate silence of the desert?

  30. 同时,这就是我清理我壁橱的方法。

    In the meantime, this is how I cleaned my closet.