







汉语拼音:ài shì









  1. 严重;要紧。

    《儒林外史》第十六回:“又把耳朵边掯着看看,道:‘却也还有个虚惊,不大碍事,此后运气一年好似一年哩。’” 茅盾 《秋收》:“目下听说‘上头’还不想严办,不碍事。” 杜鹏程 《保卫延安》第五章:“塞了满肚子雨水、生面,吐出来的东西还有好味道?不碍事。”

  2. 有所妨碍;不方便。

    老舍 《四世同堂》四九:“教育局的客厅里坐满了人。 长顺 找了个不碍事的角落坐下。”



  1. It is these guests seem not to have the heart, an effort to persuade her to rest, you anyway, okay, wait will be out of the way.


  2. We'll have to go see them. . at least that gets this requirement done and out of the way.


  3. But turn which way he might, he never could raise her hand to his lips, for his long nose always prevented it.


  4. if you had to minimize your taskbar or move it out of the way , you may restore it now.


  5. Monica: All right, that's it. You know what? Just get out of my way and stop moping.


  6. With Maurizio out of the way, she figured there was nothing to stop her from taking over the company herself.


  7. He thought you were standing between them. When she said she was happily married, well, he shifted his sights to the husband.


  8. We thought that either you or Kate might have moved it to get it out of your way.


  9. It seems like it would be awkward, but the big screen is great for composing and the size turns out not to matter at all.


  1. 不碍事, 甭发愁。

    Not to worry.

  2. 不碍事,甭发愁。

    Not to worry .

  3. 他的病不碍事。

    His illness isn't serious.

  4. 我不要来碍事。

    I want to stay out of the way.

  5. 帮帮忙,不要碍事。

    Help out, don't hinder.

  6. 我在这儿碍事吗?

    Am I in your way here?

  7. 别管他,他不碍事。

    Let him alone; he's doing no harm.

  8. 只是小感冒,不碍事。

    It's just a slight cold, nothing serious.

  9. 受了点凉, 不碍事。

    It's just a slight cold, nothing serious.

  10. 受了点凉,不碍事。

    It's just a slight cold ,nothing serious .

  11. 八张好像还不碍事

    Well, eight didn't seem to matter.

  12. 不碍事,我自个儿去。

    No matter, I'll go myself.

  13. 如果有人碍事怎么办?

    What if someone gets in our way?

  14. 如果有人碍事怎么办?

    What if someone gets in our way?

  15. 他出席不了会议不碍事。

    It didn't matter that he couldn't attend the meeting.

  16. 那好,这最不碍事了。

    Oh, well, thats harmless enough.

  17. 我一直嫌那伞架碍事。

    I never liked that umbrella stand.

  18. 别担心,我不会碍事的

    Well, don't worry. I won't be in your way.

  19. 我不想砸锅,我想他不再碍事。

    I don't want a bunce. I want him out of the way.

  20. 一个人的亲属多碍事啊!

    What a nuisance people's people are!

  21. 多余碍事的东西。无用之物

    Cumbersome, unnecessary matter.

  22. 你帮不上忙,反倒会碍事。

    You would be more of a hindrance than a help.

  23. 她非但没帮上忙, 反而碍事。

    She was more of a hindrance than a help.

  24. 这桌子放在门口太碍事了。

    This table is too close to the door, it gets in the way.

  25. 不管碍不碍事,我都不会答应。

    I won't allow it, whether it will hurt anything or not.

  26. 好的权变设计永远不会碍事。

    Great contingency design never gets in the way.

  27. 把这些书堆起来, 它们大碍事。

    Pile these books up, please.They are in the way.

  28. 在树叶中跳跃,一点儿也不碍事。

    And jump in leaves, there is no harm.

  29. 别担心,这只是一点擦伤,不碍事。

    Don't worry, it's nothing serious, just a scratch.

  30. 杀害碍事者或目击者的人。

    Killers of people who were in the way or who killed, for example, witnesses.


  1. 问:碍事拼音怎么拼?碍事的读音是什么?碍事翻译成英文是什么?

    答:碍事的读音是àishì,碍事翻译成英文是 matter; serious