




人、动物的躯体,物体的主要部分:~躯。人~。~材。~段。船~。树~。指人的生命或一生:~世。献~。亲自,本人:自~。亲~。~教。~体力行。统指人的地位、品德:出~。~分(fèn )。~败名裂。孕,娠:~孕。量词,指整套衣服:做了一~儿新衣服……



汉语拼音:chuán shēn






  1. A motorboat designed so that the prow and much of the hull lift out of the water and skim the surface at high speeds.


  2. I brought the boat back to the farm for the others to see and carved "1930" and "1964" on its side.


  3. A popcorn kernel consists of an impervious hard outer hull and a dense starch-and-protein interior surrounding a bit of water and oil.


  4. The ship straightened and began to surge forward once more.


  5. He said he swam away from the ship without even getting his hair wet.


  6. She was patiently waiting for him out in the still water, covered by the dark of night.


  7. An attempt to salvage a stuck anchor capsized the boat, and the four men were forced to cling to the hull to survive.


  8. a bridge gives a better sense of scale on the ship It is advised to place the bridge on the top and near the back of the ship.


  9. You can see the hands, you can see the nets, and you can feel the waves, you know, crashing against the boat.


  1. 船身摇摆。

    The ship rocked.

  2. 船身倾斜。

    The boat is tilted to one side.

  3. 船身很宽的货船

    a beamy cargo ship

  4. 船身朝外鼓出。

    The sides of the boat flanch ed outwards.

  5. 废弃的旧船的船身

    the hulk of an old ship

  6. 鱼雷正击中船身。

    The torpedo struck home on the hull of the ship.

  7. 深色得船身浮出海面。

    The dark hull broke the surface.

  8. 深色的船身浮出海面。

    The dark hull broke the surface.

  9. 火在船身内失去控制。

    Fire went beyond control belowdecks.

  10. 海浪冲击船身, 有如呜咽。

    The sea water washed mournfully against the sides of the boat.

  11. 船身只有一半浸在水里。

    A ship is only half submerged.

  12. 船底在水线下的船身部分。

    The part of a ship's hull below the water line.

  13. 船身靠内侧最低的部分

    The lowest inner part of a ships hull.

  14. 船身的侧面遭到了猛烈的攻击。

    The side of the ship was heavily attacked.

  15. 船身的轻微摇动使我昏昏欲睡。

    The gentle rolling motion of the ship made me feel sleepy.

  16. 一个巨浪冲过, 船身一阵摇晃。

    The ship rolled on a swell.

  17. 船行时船身擦著码头的边。

    The ship's hull scraped along the side of the dock.

  18. 船行时船身擦着码头的边。

    The ship's hull scraped along the side of the dock.

  19. 船行时船身擦着码头得边。

    The ship's hull scraped along the side of the dock.

  20. 船身终于伸直, 又一次破浪前进。

    The ship straightened and began to surge forward once more.

  21. 他们在学习如何在船身上镗铆钉孔。

    They were learning how to bore rivet holes in the sides of ships.

  22. 吃水线下的船身铁板被鱼雷击穿。

    The hull's iron plates deep below the waterline were hit by torpedos.

  23. 我们必须得爬过几个甲板, 穿过船身。

    We must climb down several decks, through the length of the ship.

  24. 月光在船身中透过一个圆的洞。

    MOONLIGHT shoots through a round HOLE in the HULL.

  25. 月光在船身中透过一个圆得洞。

    MOONLIGHT shoots through a round HOLE in the HULL.

  26. 鲸有时会擦着小船得船身游过。

    The whale sometimes rubs himself up against small boats.

  27. 鲸有时会擦着小船的船身游过。

    The whale sometimes rubs himself up against small boats.

  28. 船身板能抵抗大部分得烈性原料。

    The hull plating kept out most of the hard stuff.

  29. 船身板能抵抗大部分的烈性原料。

    The hull plating kept out most of the hard stuff.

  30. 他说他游离船身甚至连头发都没有湿。

    He said he swam away from the ship without even getting his hair wet.


  1. 问:船身拼音怎么拼?船身的读音是什么?船身翻译成英文是什么?

    答:船身的读音是chuánshēn,船身翻译成英文是 hull; body

  2. 问:船身底拼音怎么拼?船身底的读音是什么?船身底翻译成英文是什么?

    答:船身底的读音是chuán shēn dǐ,船身底翻译成英文是 hull bottom

  3. 问:船身板拼音怎么拼?船身板的读音是什么?船身板翻译成英文是什么?

    答:船身板的读音是chuán shēn bǎn,船身板翻译成英文是 planking

  4. 问:船身保险拼音怎么拼?船身保险的读音是什么?船身保险翻译成英文是什么?

    答:船身保险的读音是chuánshēnbǎoxiǎn,船身保险翻译成英文是 insurance on hull

  5. 问:船身倾斜拼音怎么拼?船身倾斜的读音是什么?船身倾斜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:船身倾斜的读音是chuán shēn qīng xié,船身倾斜翻译成英文是 heel; list; lean over

  6. 问:船身净宽拼音怎么拼?船身净宽的读音是什么?船身净宽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:船身净宽的读音是chuán shēn jìng kuān,船身净宽翻译成英文是 ship clearance

  7. 问:船身总长拼音怎么拼?船身总长的读音是什么?船身总长翻译成英文是什么?

    答:船身总长的读音是chuán shēn zǒng cháng,船身总长翻译成英文是 overall length

  8. 问:船身纵轴拼音怎么拼?船身纵轴的读音是什么?船身纵轴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:船身纵轴的读音是chuán shēn zòng zhóu,船身纵轴翻译成英文是 front-to-back axis; longitudinal line

  9. 问:船身阻力拼音怎么拼?船身阻力的读音是什么?船身阻力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:船身阻力的读音是chuán shēn zǔ lì,船身阻力翻译成英文是 hull resistance

  10. 问:船身挡风面拼音怎么拼?船身挡风面的读音是什么?船身挡风面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:船身挡风面的读音是chuán shēn dǎng fēng miàn,船身挡风面翻译成英文是 windage