







汉语拼音:shēng jiù







  1. 犹言生来就有;天生。

    清 赵庆熺 《香销酒醒曲·对月有感》:“痴顽生就,闯名场词勾利勾。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第三二回:“﹝我﹞将就坐下,便有两个女子上来招呼,一般的都是生就一张黄面,穿了一套拷绸衫裤。” 王西彦 《福元佬和他戴白帽子的牛》:“前房媳妇长的不体面,生就一双斗鸡眼。”



  1. Tax chief Wong Ho-sang met the civil service secretary yesterday to explain the controversy involving a tax consultancy run by his wife.


  2. Just over a week ago, Aso was forced to apologise after accusing doctors, an important political interest group, of lacking common sense.


  3. Because people say I've got to take that if I want to be premed. But, you know, to me there's a lot of detail in organic chemistry.


  4. At the side of the road, a tall and corpulent monk, with large eyes and awesome look, was plowing a field.


  5. Yousheng as long as there will be a miracle, let alone have to think about the brain, but the lack of a near perfect little embellishment.


  6. Look closely: if there was no birth there would be no death.


  7. Unruly, who did not skill, of course, naughty gifted manipulation.


  8. Golden, somewhat gray coat is thick and long, golden hair, golden monkey, a naturally sweet air of a simple and honest.


  9. This is all helpful, but if companies are serious about interns, they should pay them.


  1. 生就一张利嘴

    have the gift of the gab.

  2. 生就的不会说实话

    a congenital inability to tell the truth

  3. 她是个生就的金发女郎。

    She's a natural blonde.

  4. 生就的本性总会暴露出来的。

    What's bred in the bone will come out in the flesh.

  5. 我生就一个撒谎的人。

    I am a born liar.

  6. 他生就一身傲骨,宁折不弯。

    A man of unyielding character, he would rather break than bend.

  7. 羊群为了安全生就了敏锐的感官。

    Herd safety came with sharpened senses.

  8. 同国王一样, 他生就一副健壮的体魄。

    Like the king he had a rich physical gift.

  9. 法是为人而制定的, 人不是为法而生就的。

    The law was made for man and not man for the law.

  10. 她天然生就一副欢乐而安详的表情。

    She had a naturally cheerful and serene expression.

  11. 法是为人而制定的,人不是不法而生就的。

    The law was made for man and not man for the law.

  12. 爱迪生就拿这新到手的钱做生意。

    Edison then put his new money to work.

  13. 年幼的爱迪生就渴望成为一名发明家。

    Young Edison had a strong aspiration to be an inventor.

  14. 谁都管不了, 谁都没本事, 当然调皮生就为所欲为了。

    Unruly, who did not skill, of course, naughty gifted manipulation.

  15. 我生就这样一个人,不会坐在那里无所作为。

    I am not born to sit still and do nothing.

  16. 一件事情并非因为有人为之献生就一定是真理。

    A thing is not necessarily true because a man dies for it.

  17. 超过四次无故缺席,该生就必须退选这门课。

    Students with more than four unexcused absences shall be from the class.

  18. 每个人都生就一种天赋, 但生命的过程会减损那种天赋。

    Everyone is born a genius but the process of life deludes that genius.

  19. 若精勤修持, 你也可能在当生就证悟佛果。

    But if you practice very hard, you will become Buddha even within one life.

  20. 而由于我的样子是生就了的, 他们可能根本就不会在乎我。

    And because I look the way I do, people may never care about me at all.

  21. 我生就欧洲人, 死也会是欧洲人, 但我从未赞同过罗马条约。

    I was born a European and I will die one. But I have never put my alliance behind the Treaty of Rome.

  22. 他生就一个鹰勾鼻子, 不过眉目还算清秀, 气色也不错。

    He had a crooked nose, but a fine brow and his color was fresh.

  23. 我们是不是生就空白得心灵, 等着被打上类似于爱得烙印啊?

    Are we born with blank hearts, waiting to be imprinted with an imitation of love?

  24. 我们是不是生就空白的心灵, 等着被打上类似于爱的烙印啊?

    Are we born with blank hearts, waiting to be imprinted with an imitation of love?


  1. 问:生就拼音怎么拼?生就的读音是什么?生就翻译成英文是什么?

    答:生就的读音是shēngjiù,生就翻译成英文是 be born with

  2. 问:生就的拼音怎么拼?生就的的读音是什么?生就的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:生就的的读音是,生就的翻译成英文是 built-in