





1. 然 [rán]然 [rán]对,是:~否。不~。不以为~。以为对,答应,信守:~纳(以为对而采纳)。~诺(许诺,信守诺言)。这样,如此:当~。~后。~则。表示一种语气(a.表决定,犹焉,如“寡人愿有言~”;b.表比拟,犹言一般,如“如……



汉语拼音:shǐ rán






  1. 使其如此;使它变得这样。

    《韩诗外传》卷十:“王不见夫 江 南之树乎?名橘树之 江 北,则化为枳。何则?地土使然尔。” 宋 王安石 《秋枝如残人》诗:“岁行谁使然,好杀岂天意。” 清 袁枚 《随园诗话》卷九:“诗有音节清脆,如雪竹冰丝,非人间凡响,皆由天性使然,非关学问。” 孙犁 《秀露集·悼念李季同志》:“这不足为怪,是有很多原因,也可以说是有很多条件使然的。”



  1. Mr Uribe's reaction was characteristically combative. He asked Congress to call a referendum on the legitimacy of his term.


  2. His lacklustre record as vice-president and before that as governor of Bayelsa state suggests, alas, that this would be his instinct.


  3. Experimenters have yet to see such a frame, but the null result may simply be for want of sufficient precision.


  4. A gender symbol is a symbol used to denote the sex of a life form or to characterize an agent by gender.


  5. Still, that raises the question of why they are more comfortable: perhaps evolution programmed that comfort.


  6. They argue against the dominant view that rape is not sexually motivated but is driven primarily by a desire to dominate and control women.


  7. He made many discoveries in nuclear physics but characteristically, he did n't publish them.


  8. Now they are perhaps disinclined to submit to other people's ethical standards, but that may be just a matter of personality.


  9. For those who pause long enough to wonder if it is nature or nurture which guides them, the answer may have emerged.


  1. 哦,意识使然。

    Well, consciousness.

  2. 转动是由于肩的转动使然。

    Rotation is due to shoulder roll.

  3. 转动是由于肩得转动使然。

    Rotation is due to shoulder roll.

  4. 老转动是由于肩的转动使然。

    Rotation is due to shoulder roll.

  5. 电影的喧嚣即是音乐使然。

    The sound and fury of movies is music.

  6. 这次展览纯属是机缘使然。

    The timing of the show is serendipitous.

  7. 心理原因指盲从与侥幸心理使然。

    The psychological cause refers to the sequacious and the fluke mind.

  8. 没有事情是偶然出现或运气使然。

    Nothing happens by chance by means of good luck.

  9. 有人推测是原力得意志使然。

    Some speculate that it was the will of the Force.

  10. 有人推测是原力的意志使然。

    Some speculate that it was the will of the Force.

  11. 你需要改变,这也正是天意使然。

    You need change, and that's precisely what the universe is about to bring you.

  12. 三是透明度较差的工作习惯使然。

    Third, transparency in the work of poor habit.

  13. 我只是觉得女性做家务是习惯使然。

    I just feel women are conditioned into doing housework.

  14. 这是人类的天性,是母性,父性使然。

    This is a natural instinct, a maternal and paternal instinct that comes with humans.

  15. 对身边人评头论足,是我们的天性使然。

    It is in our nature to judge the people around us.

  16. 所以我们的处世方式倒是环境使然了。

    Therefore our life way on the contrary it is environment to make.

  17. 我明白, 我说这句话, 完全是习俗使然!

    I perceive I have said that in mere convention!

  18. 性格使然,他就是不爱参加集体活动。

    His nature means that he doesn't like group activities.

  19. 性格使然,他就是不爱参加集体活动。

    His nature means that he doesn't like group activities.

  20. 命运之子的成功大抵为勤奋和不懈使然。

    Destiny's Child's success has been fueled mostly by hard work and an indefatigable spirit.

  21. 这或许一半是由于性格使然, 一半由于磨难的结果。

    That may be in part, natural to it, in part, the result of affliction.

  22. 也许是他生活的不幸所造成的痛苦和内疚使然。

    Maybe it was the pain and guilt associated with a life of misfortune.

  23. 习惯使然, 她会把盐洒在她所有的食物上。

    Out of habit, she puts salt on all her food.

  24. 当时并不是想撵纳什走, 只是我们的处境使然。

    It's not a knock Steve, it's just the position we were in at the time.

  25. 但那是因为我们之间我所寻找出来的距离使然。

    But it was because of the distance between us that I sought him out now.

  26. 是你寻求内心平静的内疚使然但你永远也不得宁静。

    It's a guilty conscience trying to find peace, But it never will, ever.

  27. 好比鱼儿水中游,鸟儿天上飞 人类组成部落。天性使然

    Just as fish swim and birds fly, people form tribes. It's just what we do.

  28. 因此这需要人们多年的努力, 这是动物的生存本性使然。

    So you commit to a number of years of effort thats the nature of the beast.

  29. 由于特权和习惯使然,她的看法变得越来越难以改变。

    Her attitudes solidified through privilege and habit.

  30. 完全是运气使然,这位小伙子必须面对一位美国一流选手。

    The luck of the draw meant the young lad had to face one of America's best players.


  1. 问:使然拼音怎么拼?使然的读音是什么?使然翻译成英文是什么?

    答:使然的读音是shǐrán,使然翻译成英文是 As a result of.