







汉语拼音:wù xiàng










  1. 外界事物。

    三国 魏 曹植 《七启》:“耽虚好静,羡此永生,独驰思於天云之际,无物象而能倾。”

  2. 物体的形象;事物的现象。

    晋 王谧 《答桓太尉难》:“良以冥本幽絶,非物象之所举;运通理妙,岂粗迹之能酬?” 北魏 郦道元 《水经注·洛水》:“北歷 覆釜堆 东,盖以物象受名矣。”《文献通考·经籍九》:“ 汉 魏 间人所为文,名有‘连珠’者,其联贯物象以达己意。” 清 刘大櫆 《<张秋浯诗集>序》:“乃縈情於歌咏,寄志乎风骚,比拟辞华,雕鏤物象。” 叶圣陶 《隔膜·阿菊》:“他的视官不能应接这许多活动不息的物象。”

  3. 文艺作品所创造的典型形象。

    郭沫若 《就目前创作中的几个问题答<人文>编者问》:“像 鲁迅 笔下的 阿Q 就是‘生活中由可憎亦复可怜的偏狭观念所造成的卑鄙可耻的物象’的集大成,但 鲁迅 的主旨是叫我们必须加以毁灭。”

  4. 景物,风景。

    唐 杜牧 《题吴兴消暑楼十二韵》:“晴日登攀好,危楼物象饶。” 宋 梅尧臣 《依韵和晏相公》:“一为清 潁 行,物象颇所览。” 清 陈恭尹 《早发新塘浦舟中作》诗:“物象交晦明,峯云屡开闔。”

  5. 物候现象。




  1. But, we could pick up a clump of it as if it were solid.


  2. Now the Tao enters the dance at a pre-extinction timeframe to understand what causes creations to cease to exist as this one had.


  3. An image of the object is projected by the object lens on to the photocathode of an image converting tube.


  4. The electrons forming the image must be emitted by the specimen to be observed.


  5. Line of Chinese painting has a special aesthetic value, the expression of a painter images, an important means to express emotion.


  6. "He thinks: " The creation of artistic conception of painting is an objective thing elephant to sublimate in the feeling of result.


  7. The so-called positive light, is light images from the front-Shedao on.


  8. Sketch is a research objective ll the shapes of the thing elephant in the world is in the plastic art essence of academics.


  9. Dot in district halftoning values range 35% a 65%, which is most of the image in the body, is color processing in a critical section.


  1. 论论语中的自然物象

    The Natural Symbols in The Analects of Confucius

  2. 波长越短, 放大得物象越清晰。

    The shorter the waves are, the more distinct will be the magnified image.

  3. 人们使用的物象的特征非常重要。

    The characteristics of the images one uses are very important.

  4. 晕状物象这种环状物似的东西

    Something resembling this band.

  5. 物象位置任由笔触自由停顿而定。

    The object image position is determined freely by random pause of brushwork.

  6. 轮廓线尉旨所画物象得周边线。

    Contour Wei purpose by painting images of the surrounding line.

  7. 轮廓线尉旨所画物象的周边线。

    Contour Wei purpose by painting images of the surrounding line.

  8. 指状物象手指的东西, 例如延伸的半岛

    Something, such as an oblong peninsula, that resembles one of the digits of the hand.

  9. 我们甚至可以看到最小的视觉物象。

    We can even pick up the tiniest visual artifacts.

  10. 其形式语言是追求客观物象的再现性。

    Language is the pursuit of its objective form of images of reproduction sex.

  11. 腐蚀产物象锈一样由于腐蚀而产生物质

    A substance, such as rust, formed by corroding.

  12. 构成物象得电子必须由要观察得样品发射。

    The electrons forming the image must be emitted by the specimen to be observed.

  13. 构成物象的电子必须由要观察的样品发射。

    The electrons forming the image must be emitted by the specimen to be observed.

  14. 它们在视野中物象周围,产生有色环纹。

    And they produce colored fringes around objects in the field.

  15. 厚透镜成象的基点及物象公式的简化推导

    A Simple Derive of Formula about Cardinal Point and The Iimage of The Thick Lens

  16. 拍击物象鸭脚板似的宽而有弹性的物体

    A broad, flexible part, such as a flipper.

  17. 四周的物象、气味和声音纷至沓来,使她晕头转向。

    The mixture of sights, smells and sounds around her made her senses reel.

  18. 但我们可以将一团混合物象固体一样拾起来。

    But, we could pick up a clump of it as if it were solid.

  19. 从绘画实践方面看再现物象的技巧一直在发展。

    In the painting the skill of objectivereappear was being developed continuously.

  20. 意象,是外在客观物象与作者主观情意的结合体。

    Image, is the combination of external object and subjective feelings of the author.

  21. 任何一个人怎样才能抵制这种潮流,竞争物象的潮流。

    How can anyone be expected to resist the tide, the torrent of competing images?

  22. 物象通过物镜投影在变象管的光阴极上。

    An image of the object is projected by the objective lens on to the photocathode of an image convert tube.

  23. 这幢建筑物象一座宫殿,或者更确切地说象一座庙宇。

    The building is like a palace, or rather a temple.

  24. 花彩饰物象在图画或雕塑中的这样的线或花彩的图象

    A representation of such a string or garland, as in painting or sculpture.

  25. 对山水国画中应物象形理论的思考与探析

    The Thinking, Analysis and Exploration to the Spectacle Viewing Brushwork Theory of Sinitic Landscape

  26. 剩余物象大家所知的酒糟被收集用作家禽的饲料。

    The residue known as pot ale is collected and used as cattle feed.

  27. 此画没有用明暗法也画出了物象得光分布。

    This painting is of no use to draw the shades of images of light distribution.

  28. 此画没有用明暗法也画出了物象的光分布。

    This painting is of no use to draw the shades of images of light distribution.

  29. 愿读者能喜爱,可以读到通过瞳孔折射出中的物象!

    May readers like and read things refracted from our lens!

  30. 这种光不是依附于物象之上得, 在独立发挥自身得功能。

    This light is not dependent on the images above, the independent play to its own.


  1. 问:物象拼音怎么拼?物象的读音是什么?物象翻译成英文是什么?

    答:物象的读音是wùxiàng,物象翻译成英文是 image; visible phenomena

  2. 问:物象不等拼音怎么拼?物象不等的读音是什么?物象不等翻译成英文是什么?

    答:物象不等的读音是wù xiàng bù děng,物象不等翻译成英文是 anisoiconia