







汉语拼音:xī dēng







  1. She was about to turn off the light when he asked with a tremor in his voice, "Mommy, will you sleep with me tonight? "


  2. Let me look at you a minute and I'll put the light out, " Dr. Taza said gently. "


  3. For the fourth year, people are being urged to turn off their lights for one hour to call attention to the issue of climate change.


  4. I know but, surely he wouldn't have singled you out in his will just to help us turn out the lights!


  5. There's "Dog Drool, " where the goal is to get a dog named Otis to drool over a plate of curry by tapping on the screen.


  6. He turned out the light and went to bed.


  7. Either of two bugle calls in the British Army, sounded in the evening as a signal to retire to quarters.


  8. Patients should be set out a plan of action every day, from getting up to turn off the lights.


  9. We don't need another concrete jungle that dies the moment you turn off the lights in the evening.


  1. 几点钟熄灯?

    What time is light out?

  2. 熄灯号响了。

    The taps are blowing.

  3. 我离开前熄灯。

    I extinguished the lamp before I left the room.

  4. 熄灯后禁止交谈。

    No talking after lights out.

  5. 等到熄灯,我就?

    While I get this going,can you bring out the buns?

  6. 熄灯后不许说话。

    No talking after lights are out.

  7. 临走前一定要熄灯。

    Make sure to turn off the light before you leave.

  8. 你上床前务必熄灯。

    Be sure to put out the light before you go to ged.

  9. 不要熄灯,我会回来的。

    Keep the lights on. I'll be back.

  10. 哦,八点就熄灯了,妈妈

    Oh, and it's lights out at eight, Mummy

  11. 熄灯之前他写完了信。

    He had time to finish these letters before the lights were put out.

  12. 熄灯前我肯定能碰到她。

    I'm sure I'll see her before lights out.

  13. 在熄灯前要把雪笳烟弄熄。

    Put your cigarette out before you put the light out.

  14. 我会一直玩到门房过来熄灯。

    I'll just play until the janitor comes round to turn the lights out.

  15. 在熄灯前要把雪茄烟弄灭。

    Put your cigar out before you put the light out.

  16. 在熄灯前要把雪茄烟弄熄。

    Put your cigaret out before you put the light out.

  17. 熄灯以后不许说话。11点前必须全部熄灯。

    You must not talk after light out.

  18. 他们在熄灯后继续谈了半个小时。

    They for half an hour after the lights went off.

  19. 学校规定晚上11点半学生必须熄灯睡觉。

    The school regulates that students must go to sleep before 11 o'clock at night.

  20. 学校规定晚上11点半学生必须熄灯睡觉。

    The school regulates that students must go to sleep before 11 o clock at night.

  21. 我们应以后者为榜样。熄灯以后不许说话。

    It is the latter that we should model ourselves on. You must not talk after light out.

  22. 舞台熄灯为的是不让观众看见换布景。

    The stage was blacked out to hide a change of scenery.

  23. 吹过熄灯号后,那些青年露营者就得熄灯睡觉。

    After taps was blown, the young campers had to turn out their lights and go to bed.

  24. 一种在圣周的熄灯礼拜中使用的三角形烛台

    A triangular candelabrum used at Tenebrae during Holy Week

  25. 由于名为地球一小时的活动而将熄灯一个小时。

    The lights will stay off for one hour for an event called Earth Hour.

  26. 熄灯结束以灯光熄灭而结束的一场滑稽杂耍短剧

    A short, comic vaudeville skit that ends with lights off

  27. 为见证地球一小时, 你会在周六晚熄灯吗?

    Will you be turning off your lights this Saturday night to observe Earth Hour

  28. 熄灯后,不再有同学在黑暗中做事,悄悄地谈天说地。

    Lights, the students no longer work in the dark, chatting quietly.

  29. 熄灯一小时有著深远的象徵意义, 对大家有儆醒的作用。

    Turning off the lights for one hour is a symbolic action to raise awareness.

  30. 熄灯一小时有著深远得象徵意义,对大家有儆醒得作用。

    Turning off the lights for one hour is a symbolic action to raise awareness.


  1. 问:熄灯拼音怎么拼?熄灯的读音是什么?熄灯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:熄灯的读音是xīdēng,熄灯翻译成英文是 To extinguish a lamp.



歌手:萧亚轩 专辑:1087 词:萧亚轩 事情发生的那一天 我发誓说我再也不会 原谅你的背叛行为 一幕幕冰冷画面 像电影般重演 我应该如何接受 你给的抱歉