







汉语拼音:zhèn shè







  1. 震惊,慑服。

    《汉书·东方朔传》:“天下震慑,诸侯宾服。” 唐 韩愈 《平淮西碑》:“羣臣震慑,奔走率职。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·公孙夏》:“自念监生卑贱,非车服炫耀,不足震慑曹属。” 峻青 《海啸》第二章十:“这声音仿佛是从地层的深处发出似的,沉闷而威严,有着一种震慑人心的力量。”



  1. Send thy angry storm, dark with death, if it is thy wish, and with lashes of lightning startle the sky from end to end.


  2. With such a capability our nuclear capability would be a real deterrent to china and Pakistan.


  3. The thundering clouds held me entirely in their power, it was the first time in a year and a half that I'd seen the night face to face.


  4. and it so captivated him and he referred to it as "high poetry" of a "gentle, astonishing character" .


  5. "Meanwhile, if his eyes bore into yours as he's talking, 37 he might be trying to intimidate you. "


  6. He'd never met Ledger before, so when Ledger arrived and performed he gave Caine such a fright he forgot his lines.


  7. The second name, which transformed the power of the story, was that of an English schoolgirl.


  8. The scale of the borrowing inspired "shock and awe" among the creditors, according to a person familiar with the matter.


  9. Moreover, the severe penalty of the deterrent effect is often caused by the French omissions offset chances.


  1. 我们想真正的震慑住他们。

    We want to really scare them.

  2. 你是否觉得他被你震慑住了?

    Do you think he's intimidated by you?

  3. 长期监禁是有效的警告和震慑。

    Long jail terms are an effective warning and deterrent.

  4. 监督也可以震慑欺诈和渎职行为。

    This also acts as deterrence to fraud and malpractice.

  5. 那条蛇震慑住了它的捕获物。

    The snake fascinated its prey.

  6. 那条蛇震慑住了它得捕获物。

    The snake fascinated its prey.

  7. 他们将更多的依赖核震慑。

    Their nuclear deterrents will be more greatly relied on.

  8. 暴力活动震慑了一些人,但也激励了一些人。

    The violence has frightened some people but emboldened others.

  9. 我不再被这份任务的艰钜所震慑。

    I was no longer overwhelmed by the difficulty of the task.

  10. 你自己感觉到这种震慑力了吗?

    Do you get that feeling?

  11. 毛派的勇猛行为大大震慑了其反对派。

    It has brutally quelled local opposition to the Maoists.

  12. 毛派得勇猛行为大大震慑了其反对派。

    It has brutally quelled local opposition to the Maoists.

  13. 这条蛇震慑住了它要捕食的动物。

    The serpent fascinated its prey.

  14. 有关部门试图震慑偷猎者,却徒劳而返。

    The departments in charge attempt to deter poachers, but in vain.

  15. 死刑是对暴力犯罪的一种震慑力。

    Death penalty is a deterrent to violent crimes.

  16. 但惨淡的经济数据应仍有震慑力。

    But gloomy data should retain the power to unnerve.

  17. 确实, 那黝黑得漆板渊穆幽深, 震慑心魂。

    Indeed, that ebony painting board goes far back in history and inspires awe.

  18. 确实,那黝黑的漆板渊穆幽深,震慑心魂。

    Indeed, that ebony painting board goes far back in history and inspires awe.

  19. 废除死刑者声称没有证据表明行刑有震慑作用。

    Abolitionists say there is no proof that capital punishment deters.

  20. 第二个幻觉也许是对震慑作用的过度信任。

    The second delusion might be termed excessive faith in shockandawe.

  21. 浮士德再度召唤海伦并震慑于她的秀丽。

    Faustus summons Helen again and exclaims rapturously about her beauty.

  22. 浮士德再度召唤海伦并震慑于她得秀丽。

    Faustus summons Helen again and exclaims rapturously about her beauty.

  23. 然而,非灵能生物即使被震慑也仍然保留非灵能缓冲。

    Even when stunned, however, a nonpsionic being retains its nonpsionic buffer.

  24. 两名拳手互相瞪着眼睛, 想以此震慑住对方。

    The two boxers gazed at each other, wanting to stare down the opposite party.

  25. 这位可怕暴君的存亡悬于震慑力的有无。

    The awful despots chances of survival lie with his deterrent power.

  26. 这些制度的作用是震慑犯罪分子在将来避免重新犯罪。

    These systems work to frighten criminals away from repeating a crime in the future.

  27. 我要提醒你们,他们说他们的战略是基于震慑和敬畏。

    I remind you that they said that their strategy is based on shock and awe.

  28. 也许鉴于警方长期戒备的震慑, 街头毒品交易明显减少。

    Perhaps the ceaseless vigilance of the police has dramatically reduced the availability of drugs on the street.

  29. 我第一次去露易斯湖时,就震慑于它的美丽。

    The first time I visited Lake Louise, I was stunned by its beauty.

  30. 这就是为什么即便是死刑判决也不足以起到震慑作用。

    This is why even the death penalty has not been a sufficient deterrent.


  1. 问:震慑拼音怎么拼?震慑的读音是什么?震慑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:震慑的读音是zhènshè,震慑翻译成英文是 frighten


