




1. 害 [hài]害 [hài]有损的,与“益”相对:~虫。~鸟。引起灾难的人或事物,坏处:~处。祸~。灾~。为民除~。使受损伤:~人。损~。伤~。危~。发生疾病:~眼。心理上发生不安定情绪:~羞。~怕。杀死:杀~。遇~。妒忌:“上官大夫……



汉语拼音:móu hài








  1. 谋划杀害或陷害。

    晋 潘岳 《西征赋》:“ 籍 含怒於 鸿门 , 沛 跼蹐而来王。 范 谋害而弗许,阴授剑以约 庄 。” 明 张居正 《议处黔国公沐朝弼疏》:“ 朝弼 乃不知感恩省改,作恶愈甚,谋害亲子,擅杀无辜,揆其情罪,处死不枉。” 刘绍棠 《田野落霞》:“ 包司令 让国民党给谋害了。”



  1. It is said that when he was murdered by two subordinates, his body was buried in Lang Zhong and his head brought to Yunyang.


  2. His father is murdered by his power-hungry uncle, who then assumes the throne and marries his mother.


  3. Do not oppress the widow or the fatherless, The alien or the poor. Let none of you plan evil in his heart Against his brother.


  4. They might tell investigators where McCormick had been, what he had been doing and who might have wanted him dead.


  5. My tongue will tell of your righteous acts all day long, for those who wanted to harm me have been put to shame and confusion.


  6. do not plot evil against your neighbor, and do not love to swear falsely. I hate all this, " declares the LORD . "


  7. Their bridal tour had been to a neighbouring town to see a man hanged for murdering his wife.


  8. The dark system which you are subject to allows for no escape and counters all dissent in vicious lies, manipulations and murders.


  9. Upon returning from Dathomir, Isolder finally confronted his mother and accused her of being behind the deaths of Kalan and Lady Elliar.


  1. 你妄想谋害我?

    You think to harm me?

  2. 有人谋害我们。

    There are those who would do us harm.

  3. 有人谋害我们。

    there are those who would do us harm.

  4. 他们密谋害我。

    They made their plans in secret to harm me.

  5. 他将用毒药谋害你。

    He will against you by poison.

  6. 歹徒谋害了海尔曼。

    The gangsters knocked off Herman.

  7. 他怀疑有人要谋害他。

    He suspected a plot against his life.

  8. 她企图谋害他的生命。

    She has designs against his life.

  9. 他们有意谋害你的生命。

    They have designs on your life.

  10. 谋害他们兄弟姐妹的人。

    A person who murders their brother or sister.

  11. 这是图谋害你得礼物。

    It a Greek gift to you.

  12. 这是图谋害你的礼物。

    It a Greek gift to you.

  13. 恸哭她那被谋害的儿子。

    keening over her murdered son

  14. 我们就是谋害了他的仇敌。

    We're its murderous enemies.

  15. 他们共同谋害了她的丈夫。

    They plot the death of her husband.

  16. 这些罪犯谋害了这位老人。

    The criminals have done in the old man.

  17. 为什么我会成为谋害的对象?

    Why was I to be the victim of murder ?

  18. 一起谋害总统的阴谋败露了。

    A plot was uncovered against the president.

  19. 杀父者谋害自己父亲的人。

    One who murders one's father.

  20. 他怀疑有人要谋害他的妻子。

    He suspected a plot against his wife.

  21. 他怀疑有人要谋害他的性命。

    He suspected a scheme against his life.

  22. 信仰使穷人不至于去谋害富人。

    Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich.

  23. 来抓住那个谋害这些妇女的凶手。

    To catch the man who murdered those women.

  24. 这些持枪者打算谋害朝圣者和牧师。

    This gunmen were plotting to kill pilgrims and clerics.

  25. 他们仇恨我,谋害我,你都看见了。

    You have seen all the evil rewards they have sent on me, and all their designs against me.

  26. 你已经谋害了百万个无辜的人!

    You've murdered millions of innocent people!

  27. 在她的房子里找到了被谋害的人。

    The murder victim was found in her house.

  28. 我怕海伦娜是给人谋害死的。

    I fear the life of Helena was fully snatched.

  29. 我们是要在我们家门口谋害人吗?

    Are we going to murder folk on our very doorstones?

  30. 从杀死那个谋害你父亲的凶手开始。

    Starting with killing the man who murdered your father.


  1. 问:谋害拼音怎么拼?谋害的读音是什么?谋害翻译成英文是什么?

    答:谋害的读音是móuhài,谋害翻译成英文是 plot a murder; plot against

  2. 问:谋害的拼音怎么拼?谋害的的读音是什么?谋害的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:谋害的的读音是,谋害的翻译成英文是 murderous

  3. 问:谋害者拼音怎么拼?谋害者的读音是什么?谋害者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:谋害者的读音是,谋害者翻译成英文是 murderer




拼音:móu hài 基本解释 [plot against sb.'s life;plot to murder] 设计杀人 详细解释 谋划杀害或陷害。 晋 潘岳 《西征赋》:“籍含怒於鸿门,沛跼蹐而来王。范谋害而弗许,阴授剑以约庄。” 明 张居正 《议处黔国公沐朝弼疏》:“朝弼乃不知感恩省改,作恶愈甚,谋害亲子,擅杀无辜,揆其情罪,处死不枉。”明 冯梦龙 《东周列国志》第七十四回:“囊瓦大怒,即使人请鄢将师至,诉以郤宛欲谋害之事。”刘绍棠 《田野落霞》:“包司令让国民党给谋害了。”