


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……


1. 底 [dǐ]2. 底 [de]底 [dǐ]最下面的部分:~层。~座。~下(a.下面;b.以后)。海~。~肥。末了:年~。月~。到~。根基,基础,留作根据:刨根问~。~蕴。~稿。~版。图案的基层:白~蓝花的瓶子。何,什么:~事伤感。古同……



汉语拼音:dà dǐ






  1. 大抵。

    《史记·佞幸列传》:“自是之后,内宠嬖臣大底外戚之家。” 唐 元稹 《送刘太白》诗:“ 洛阳 大底居人少, 从善坊 西最寂寥。” 唐 罗隐 《听琵琶》诗:“大底曲中皆有恨,满楼人自不知君。”参见“ 大抵 ”。



  1. The city is often referred to as the Lakehead or Canadian Lakehead because of its location at the end of Great Lakes navigation.


  2. Non-slip PU outsole is engineered to reduce heel and central metatarsal pressure and the bottom is flat to increase stability.


  3. The outsole is where the boot meets the trail. Available in different compositions of rubber with various tread patterns.


  4. Rubber outsole absorbs shock and flexes naturally with your stride.


  5. Lightweight polyurethane outsole is flexible and supplies traction with shock absorbing stability.


  6. Flexible EVA outsole offers lightweight, shock absorbing support with lasting durability.


  7. Direct-injected, one-component PU outsole with TPU inserts absorbs shock and provides lightweight flexibility.


  8. Do not put size notches in insole-outsole-midsole dies.


  9. The production of the rubber shoes mould pressing soles, often lacks of plastic, the scars and the phenomenon of the bubble.


  1. 最大牵引凸耳得大底。

    Lugged outsole for maximum traction.

  2. 最大牵引凸耳的大底。

    Lugged outsole for maximum traction.

  3. 另一种方式是使大底较短。

    Another way is to make the big end shorter.

  4. 人造积极牵引挑着模式的大底。

    Manmade outsole with aggressive lug pattern for traction.

  5. 但是, 今天将有一个大底的时代!

    But today there will be an end of a big era!

  6. 真皮大底是耐用,弯曲你的步幅。

    Genuine leather outsole is durable and flexes with your stride.

  7. 耐油耐酸碱皮鞋大底胶料配方的研究

    Study on Formula of Soling Resistance to Oil, Acid and Base

  8. 天然橡胶防滑大底在湿表面提供最大牵引力。

    Genuine rubber siped outsole for maximum traction on wet surfaces.

  9. 任何良好的创业将大底如果你启动它的权利。

    Any good venture will end great if you start it right.

  10. 地面状况与运动鞋大底花纹功能关系的研究

    Study on the function relationship of the ground condition and the outsole pattern of sports shoes.

  11. 真皮与合成大底, 以及各种不同款式得鞋跟。

    Leather and synthetic bottoms as well as a variety of different heels.

  12. 真皮与合成大底,以及各种不同款式的鞋跟。

    Leather and synthetic bottoms as well as a variety of different heels.

  13. 哈马王陀以听见大卫杀败哈大底谢的全军

    When Toi king of Hamath heard that David had smitten all the host of Hadadezer.

  14. 低楔型鞋跟吸收冲击和耐用的橡胶大底援助。

    Low wedge heel and a durable rubber outsole aid in absorbing shock.

  15. 对设计形式,大底,鞋跟和饰配件有一定的认识。

    Posses knowledge of designing forms, soles, heels and accessories.

  16. 它的大底为深槽、放射型大花纹,具有防滑性能。

    Its large base is deep chamfer, radiative model old decorative pattern, have skid resistance can.

  17. 防滑,防风雨得大底是室内还是室外穿着得理想之选。

    Nonslip, weatherproof outsole is ideal for both indoor or outdoor wear.

  18. 防滑,防风雨的大底是室内还是室外穿着的理想之选。

    Nonslip, weatherproof outsole is ideal for both indoor or outdoor wear.

  19. 检查大底填腹是否到位注重不要盖到帮脚处。

    Check bottom filler is positioned correctly, It'should not overlay the bonding area.

  20. 检查大底填腹是否到位注意不要盖到帮脚处。

    Check that the bottom filler is positioned correctly, It'should not overlay the bonding area.

  21. 本机用于鞋与大底一起划线作业,利于帮角起毛。

    The machine is used to drawing a line when the shoe and outersole pressing together to fluff.

  22. 许多人尝试过这一过程本身并以失败告终,在大底。

    Many people try to go through this process on their own and end up losing big in the end.

  23. 该司生产木底鞋,大底及中底,以及配合目前时尚的配饰。

    This firm produces clogs, bottoms and soles for footwear and components in line with current fashion trends.

  24. 耐克发布华夫训练鞋,有着闻名的比尔鲍尔曼的华夫大底。

    Nike releases the Waffle Trainer, Sneaker, with Bill Bowerman's famous waffle outsole.