


改正,修改:~正。考~。校(jiào )~。修~。约定,立(契约):~立。~购。~约。用线、铁丝、书钉把书页、纸张连在一起:装~。制定:~计划。评议:“两刃相割,利钝乃知;二论相~,是非乃见”。……





汉语拼音:dìng hù






  1. 指预先付款约定、按期供应报刊或其他商品的个人或单位。

    邹韬奋 《患难馀生记》第一章:“最有趣的是不但承蒙许多热心读者自动介绍订户,而且订户还有传代的,父亲归天,儿子还要接下去。”《文汇月刊》1985年第6期:“在学习之馀,替他送奶到订户手中,一个月三元钱。”



  1. If you were a TechNet Plus Subscriber, you would be able to initiate downloads of select products directly from here.


  2. However, S& P stressed that if subscribers clicked on to the link on the website it showed that the rating had not been downgraded.


  3. And with its latest plan, Google threatens to undercut cable and satellite companies in subscription fees it may charge consumers.


  4. It is now also possible for non-subscribers to ask to be alerted to new research coming up in the next six months.


  5. The Visual Studio 11 preview is now available for MSDN subscribers with a general release planned in the next few days.


  6. So, 1st National Ace Pigeon BDS is for the small subscriber base of that magazine not inclusive of any national competition.


  7. Each subscriber that subscribes to a topic will receive a copy of every message that is published to that topic, as shown in Figure 1.


  8. More traffic to a blog may be nice, but if your goal is to build subscribers traffic is just a KPI.


  9. One of his subscribers write him that he had found a spider in his paper.


  1. 为报刊兜揽订户

    canvass subscribers for a newspaper

  2. 订户的订阅名称。

    Subscriber's subscription name.

  3. 指定订户的名称。

    Specifies the name of the Subscriber.

  4. 勇敢的新订户世界?

    A brave new subscriptions world ?

  5. 把杂志分送给订户

    distribute magazines to subscribers

  6. 简体字中文书籍基本订户

    Standing Order Subscription for Simplified Chinese Books

  7. 我是卫报的终身订户。

    I have a life subscription to the guardian.

  8. 这家报纸拥有广大的订户。

    The newspaper appeals to a large constituency.

  9. 杂志订户可享有此项特惠。

    Subscribers to the magazine can take advantage of this special offer.

  10. 他们开始为这份报纸征求订户。

    They began to canvass for newspaper

  11. 有线电视订户必须年满十八岁。

    Subscriber must be 18 years ageabove.

  12. 你可以使用数组来存储订户组。

    You can use an array to store a group of subscribers.

  13. 今晚我要去为杂志征求订户。

    I am canvassing for the magazine tonight.

  14. 他负责这个村征求晚报的订户。

    He is responsible for canvassing the village for subscriptions to the evening paper.

  15. 只将订户的更改合并到发行者。

    Only merges the subscriber changes with the publisher.

  16. 通过定期订户和广告筹得的款项

    money raised through subscription and advertising

  17. 没有订户的事件永远不会被调用。

    Events that have no subscribers are never called.

  18. 你的工作是按订户的订单配备货物。

    Your job is to make up the customers orders.

  19. 我想享受你们给新订户的优惠。

    I'd like to take advantage of your special offer for new subscribers.

  20. 网桥123向目的订户设备发送分组。

    The bridges123 transmit the packets to destination subscriber devices.

  21. 一是订户没有养成付费收视的习惯

    Secondly, the content of DTV has no attraction.

  22. 国家地理杂志的订户会员费是多少?

    What are the membership rates for National Geographic magazine

  23. 信息可包括与订户相关的商务数据。

    Information can include business data associated with subscribers.

  24. 网桥123向目得订户设备发送分组。

    The bridges121 transmit the packets to destination subscriber devices.

  25. 最近杂志订户的减少引起了一些关注。

    The recent drop in magazine subscriptions is causing some concern.

  26. 杂志不再依靠其订户为主要收入来源。

    Magazines no longer look to their subscribers as the major source of revenue.

  27. 报纸不再依靠订户为其主要收入来源。

    Newspapers no longer look to their subscribers as the major source of revenue.

  28. 删除应用程序将会断开订户的连接。

    Removing the application disconnects the subscribers.

  29. 为非持久订户创建另一个激活规范。

    Create another Activation Specification for the nondurable subscriber.

  30. 你以为订户们看得下这种糟糕的文章吗?

    Do you suppose my subscribers are going to stand such cruel as that article?


  1. 问:订户拼音怎么拼?订户的读音是什么?订户翻译成英文是什么?

    答:订户的读音是dìnghù,订户翻译成英文是 a person or household with a standing order for n...



dìnɡ hù 订户 指预先付款约定、按期供应报刊或其他商品的个人或单位。邹韬奋《患难馀生记》第一章:“最有趣的是不但承蒙许多热心读者自动介绍订户,而且订户还有传代的,父亲归天,儿子还要接下去。”《文汇月刊》1985年第6期:“在学习之馀,替他送奶到订户手中,一个月三元钱。”