







汉语拼音:jì yǎng








  1. 不在自己家里抚养。


  2. 多指把子女托付给别人抚养。

    《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十九:“其时本庄有一个小廝儿,祖家姓 言 ,因是父母双亡,寄养人家,就叫名‘寄儿’。” 巴金 《家》七:“他的父母早死了。他寄养在伯父的家里。” 午星 《一个红军女游击战士》:“这孩子出世后,便没有同我和 涣竞 见过一面,倘若他还活着,现在该是二十岁了。我们只记得他是被寄养在 宜春 南乡一带的。”

  3. 谓暂安置某处供养。

    《朱子语类》卷一三○:“ 太祖 初定天下,将诸军分隶州郡,特寄养耳。”

  4. 谓将牲畜、家禽等分派或托付别人代养。

    明 谢肇淛 《五杂俎·地部二》:“ 江 北俵马之役最称苦累,而寄养之户尤多败困,要其所以,则侵渔多而费用繁也。” 洪深 《香稻米》第三幕:“这个鸡是 陈金福 寄养在我们这里的,脚上的红布条子是做的记认。”



  1. The children in stable foster care were doing as well on measures of participation and progress in education as those who were adopted.


  2. Had they not, thousands of Italians and Russians would have had to leave their kids with foster care on Ellis Island.


  3. It cannot be expected that this system of farming would produce any very extraordinary or luxuriant crop.


  4. They're trying to make it seem like we're just kids, rather than foster kids.


  5. A man left his cat with his brother while he went on vacation for a week.


  6. Allowing gay couples to adopt from foster care, where health care and college is paid for, opens it up to more people, experts say.


  7. While mother was sick, the children were farmed out to relatives.


  8. The authorities said thousands of those trafficked were sold as servants, known as restaveks, to well-to-do Haitian families.


  9. NEW YORK - No single youngster can be the poster child for America's foster care system, with its mix of happy endings and heartache.


  1. 寄养的双亲

    adoptive parent

  2. 寄养对照者

    adopted control

  3. 安置到寄养家庭

    placement with a foster family

  4. 将孩子寄养于人

    put out a child to nurse

  5. 寄养照顾和领养协助

    Foster Care and Adoption Assistance

  6. 家庭寄养管理暂行办法

    Interim Measures on Administration of Family Fosterage

  7. 你一直住在寄养家庭。

    You were in foster care.

  8. 你一直住在寄养家庭。

    You were in foster care.

  9. 将孩子送到寄养家庭。

    Place children in foster homes.

  10. 拜访在寄养家庭的孩子。

    Visit children placed in foster families.

  11. 就是我把她送去寄养

    was if I put her in foster care.

  12. 你知道被送去寄养的

    You know what happens to fouryearolds.

  13. 如何科学寄养初生仔犬

    How to scientifically carry out puppy daycare

  14. 她将孩子寄养在外婆家。

    She has farmed out her baby with her grandmother.

  15. 拉布拉多幼犬的寄养训练

    The fostered training for puppy Labrador

  16. 孤残儿童家庭寄养政策研究

    On the Fosterage Policies Concerning Orphans and Handicapped Children

  17. 她把婴儿放在母亲家寄养。

    She farmed out the baby with her mother.

  18. 妈妈生病时,孩子们由亲戚们寄养。

    While Mother was sick, the children were farmed out to relatives.

  19. 你怎么知道自己是被寄养的?

    How did you find out you were adopted?

  20. 申请被寄养儿童公民身份证书

    Application for Certification of Citizenship in Behalf of an Adopted Child

  21. 他们总是把孩子寄养在亲戚家。

    They're always farming out their children on their relatives.

  22. 这些寄养的资料已经年代久远了。

    You know these adoption searches take years.

  23. 谢莉也得去个真正的寄养家庭

    Sharee has to go to an actual foster home.

  24. 我们外出时把狗寄养在养狗场。

    We put the dog in kennels when we go away.

  25. 这些寄养父母都得到很好的报酬。

    These parents are well compensated.

  26. 他们不愿意告诉我,我是被寄养的。

    They weren't even gonna tell me that I was adopted.

  27. 为了监督寄养制度, 成立了咨询委员会。

    An Advisory Committee has been set up to monitor the Foster Care System.

  28. 母亲生病时, 孩子就寄养在亲成家。

    While mother was sick, the children were farmed out to relatives.

  29. 母亲生病时, 孩子就寄养在亲戚家。

    While mother was sick, the children were farmed out to relatives.

  30. 你被寄养在恩爱的肯特一家。

    You were placed in the wonderful adoptive home of the kents.


  1. 问:寄养拼音怎么拼?寄养的读音是什么?寄养翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寄养的读音是jìyǎng,寄养翻译成英文是 foster; give … to look after

  2. 问:寄养儿拼音怎么拼?寄养儿的读音是什么?寄养儿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寄养儿的读音是,寄养儿翻译成英文是 fosterling

  3. 问:寄养所拼音怎么拼?寄养所的读音是什么?寄养所翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寄养所的读音是jì yǎng suǒ,寄养所翻译成英文是 foster home

  4. 问:寄养儿童拼音怎么拼?寄养儿童的读音是什么?寄养儿童翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寄养儿童的读音是jì yǎng ér tóng,寄养儿童翻译成英文是 foster children

  5. 问:寄养制度拼音怎么拼?寄养制度的读音是什么?寄养制度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寄养制度的读音是,寄养制度翻译成英文是 placing-out

  6. 问:寄养家庭拼音怎么拼?寄养家庭的读音是什么?寄养家庭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寄养家庭的读音是jì yǎng jiā tíng,寄养家庭翻译成英文是 foster family

  7. 问:寄养照管拼音怎么拼?寄养照管的读音是什么?寄养照管翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寄养照管的读音是jì yǎng zhào guǎn,寄养照管翻译成英文是 foster care

  8. 问:寄养父母拼音怎么拼?寄养父母的读音是什么?寄养父母翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寄养父母的读音是jì yǎng fù mǔ,寄养父母翻译成英文是 foster parent

  9. 问:寄养青少年拼音怎么拼?寄养青少年的读音是什么?寄养青少年翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寄养青少年的读音是jì yǎng qīng shào nián,寄养青少年翻译成英文是 foster care adolescent

  10. 问:寄养儿童幻想拼音怎么拼?寄养儿童幻想的读音是什么?寄养儿童幻想翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寄养儿童幻想的读音是jì yǎng ér tóng huàn xiǎng,寄养儿童幻想翻译成英文是 foster – child fantasy

  11. 问:寄养照料安置拼音怎么拼?寄养照料安置的读音是什么?寄养照料安置翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寄养照料安置的读音是jì yǎng zhào liào ān zhì,寄养照料安置翻译成英文是 foster care placement


